Marine Wire Rope

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The Components Of Marine Wire Rope

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Marine wire rope consists of three essential components that contribute to its design and functionality:


Wires form individual strands within the wire rope. They are typically made from various metals such as steel, iron, stainless steel, monel, or bronze. The choice of wire material determines properties such as strength, wear resistance, fatigue resistance, corrosion resistance, and flexibility. Wires can be coated or have a bright, uncoated finish.


Multiple wires are twisted together to create strands within the wire rope. These strands are arranged in a helical pattern around the core of the rope. Strands made of larger diameter wires offer greater abrasion resistance, while strands made of smaller diameter wires provide enhanced flexibility.

Marine wire rope is available in several configurations, including 6 strands, 8 strands, 19 strands, 35 strands, and 37 strands. However, the most commonly employed configuration is the 6-strand wire rope, particularly prevalent in ship loading and unloading tasks. The 35-strand wire rope is considered of higher quality, albeit at a relatively higher cost.


Wires form individual strands within the wire rope. They are typically made from various metals such as steel, iron, stainless steel, monel, or bronze. The choice of wire material determines properties such as strength, wear resistance, fatigue resistance, corrosion resistance, and flexibility. Wires can be coated or have a bright, uncoated finish.

Types Of Wire Rope Core

Wire rope cores can be classified into the following types:

FC - Fiber Core

A fiber core is made of natural or synthetic polypropylene fibers. Fiber cores offer higher elasticity compared to steel cores. However, they are more prone to crushing and are not recommended for use in high-temperature environments.

IWRC - Independent Wire Rope Core

An independent wire rope core consists of a separate wire rope within the center of the main wire rope. IWRC cores provide additional strength and support to the wire rope. They are suitable for applications where a fiber core may not offer sufficient support or in environments with high operating temperatures.

WSC - Wire Strand Core

A wire strand core refers to an individual strand within the wire rope acting as the core. This strand can be made of the same material as the outer strands or a different material to provide specific characteristics. WSC cores are utilized when a fiber core or IWRC is not required, and they offer a balance between strength and flexibility.

Fiber Core VS Steel Core Wire Rope
Fiber Core Wire Rope
  • Advantages: Fiber core wire rope offers high flexibility, good fatigue life, and a high strength-to-weight ratio, which can be beneficial in marine applications where flexibility and weight are important factors.

  • Applications: This marine grade ropes are commonly used in marine applications such as holding and closing grab crane ropes, rigging, lifeboat falls, and towing and luffing ropes.

  • Disadvantages: Fiber core wire ropes have lower crush resistance and lower strength compared to steel core wire ropes. They are not suitable for high-heat environments or areas with open flames.

Steel Core Wire Rope
  • Advantages: Steel core wire ropes provide high strength and crush resistance, making them suitable for heavy-duty marine applications. They offer durability and can withstand harsh conditions, including marine environments.

  • Applications: Steel core wire ropes are commonly used in mooring, cranes, marine industry operations, and transportation.

  • Disadvantages: Steel core wire ropes have lower flexibility and poor resistance to bending deformation, which can be a limitation in marine applications where flexibility and bending are required.

Wire Rope Construction

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Wire rope construction involves the arrangement of wires and layers within the rope. Different patterns are used to achieve specific characteristics and performance. Here are the descriptions of the wire rope construction patterns you mentioned:

  • Single Layer: This pattern is the most common and consists of a single-wire center surrounded by six wires of the same diameter. It forms a 7-wire strand.

  • Filler Wire: In this pattern, two layers of uniform-size wires are wrapped around a center. The inner layer has half the number of wires compared to the outer layer. Small filler wires are laid in the valleys of the inner layer, equal to the number of wires in the inner layer.

  • Seale: The Seale pattern consists of two layers of wires around a center, with equal wire counts in each layer. All wires within a layer have the same diameter, and the larger outer wires rest in the valleys between the smaller inner wires.

  • Warrington: In this pattern, two layers of wires are wrapped around a center. The inner layer consists of one diameter of wire, while the outer layer alternates between large and small diameters. The larger outer-layer wires rest in the valleys, while the smaller ones rest on the crowns of the inner layer.

  • Combination: A combination strand is constructed by using a combination of two or more of the patterns mentioned above. This allows for customization and tailoring of the wire rope’s properties to specific requirements.

Wire Rope Recommendations for Various Marine Applications

When it comes to various marine applications such as ship handling, tugs, cargo nets, floating timber, ships stretching masts and suspension bridges, wreck raising, and fishing trawls, it is crucial to select the appropriate wire ropes. Here are some recommended wire ropes that excel in these specific marine scenarios.

Marine ApplicationWire Rope TypeWire Rope Model
Ship handlingWire contact wire rope6×24S 6×24W 6×19S 6×19W 6×25Fi 6×29Fi6×31Fi 6×36SW 6×37S
Point contact wire rope6×19 6×37
Tugs, cargo nets, floating timberWire Rope6×24 6×24S 6×24W6×37 6×31SW 6×36SW 6×37S
Ships stretch masts and suspension BridgesWire Rope6×7+IWS 6×19+WS 6×19+IWR
Wreck raisingWire Rope6×37 6x37S 6x36Sw 6x41Sw 6x49SwS 6x31Sw8x19S 8x19W 8x31SW 8x36SW 8x41SW 8x49SWS
Fishing trawlWire Rope6×24 6×24S 6×24W 6×19 6×19S 6×19W6×31SW 6×36SW 6×37 6×37S

Wire Rope Parameter

Nominal DiameterApprox WeightMin Breaking Load Of Wire Rope/KN
mmKg/100m1670 Mpa1770 Mpa1870 Mpa1960 Mpa
Nominal DiameterApprox. WeightMin Breaking Load Of Wire Rope/KN
mmkg/100m1670 Mpa1770 Mpa1870 Mpa1960 Mpa

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